One last post (maybe) before I go
At this time in 2 days I'll be in Portugal. Somewhere.
I decided to fly into Porto because both Mendes and Henrique, Portugese guys I worked with at the bar said it was a grand place to go. Mendes was even meant to be there at that time so I figured we could hang out and it'd ease the homesickness I'll be bound to feel for London.
Then Mendes changed jobs and couldn't get away. He and Rique both said they'd hook me up with relatives/friends/girlfriend's family to stay with, but you can never really count on that stuff. So, I booked myself into a hostel in Lagos, the south of Portugal for the following night. I figured I could wander around Porto for the day and take an overnight train south that night. There are no good hostels in Porto, and I didn't want to stay by myself on my first night away from London. Too depressing, really.
Anyway, I went out last night with some work folks, and who should be there but Mendes? And suddenly he's telling me how he's gonna make all these phone calls and get me places to stay. Nice, if I didn't already have a hostel booked. I suppose I'll just play it by ear.
Also last night: Meagan, my closest friend at the bar (we're kind of inseperable) showed me the gifts she bought on behalf of the bar for my going away do. The reason for this is twofold: One - she needed me to try shit on. And Two - She sucks ass at keeping a secret. Along with the clothes, she also bought me a journal. I remember in high school, the default gift for me was lipgloss. don't know what to get Dana? Get her lipgloss. Now it's apparently journals. Sarah, the woman I used to au-pair for bought me one, and now apparently I'm getting one from the bar too. Good thing I went out and bought myself a fresh one for my travels last week...
So now I have 3 brand new journals.
Last night was also notable because Smalls turned to me and said: want to see a match burn twice? I said sure... so he lit it, let it burn, blew it out and said "one". And then jammed it into my hand said said "two". Yeah, the jerk burned my hand! I think I'll have a scar. Well, at least I'll always remember him. But seriously, what kind of guy does that?
Less than 48 hours to go, friends.
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