Live The Dream

Six months. One backpack. Bring it on.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The best laid plans

I´m back in Europe. It´s been just over 24 hours and already I´ve managed a few adventures.

I must have been over tired, because on the flight here I cied at Cheaper By The Dozen 2. Not one of my prouder moments. After that fiasco, I have no idea why I thought it´d be a good idea to watch Finding Nemo. Yeah.

I didn´t sleep much, due to general jet lag and inability to get comfortable. Thus, I arrived in Madrid exhausted. I was taking the night train out that evening, like I did when I flew into Porto. I didn´t want a repeat of the Lagos illness so I crashed on a park bench for a few hours. One day back on the road and I´m already a semi-hobo. Anyway, I was woken up by a sketchy guy offering to let me go stay at his. Yeah, not so much. I was so dazed I didn´t think anything of it, though, and then went back to sleep.

I woke up and promptly got lost. Seriously, I walked in circles for 2 hours and then went into McDs for a bite. Yeah, I suck. To be fair, though, I´ll only eat local McDs food (eg - McKebabs in Israel). Anyway, I had a Mc-Something I´d never seen before. I have no idea what it was, but it tasted like ass on a bun. It wasn´t so much gross as it was random. I think I tasted curry, and there was definitely burger, special sauce (Big Mac stuff) and some tomatoish salsa thing. No idea. Also, I witnessed a dude

The night train to Barcalona was cramped, but I slept like a log. So much in fact that I woke up in France. Ahem. Apparently my ear plugs are really efficiant. It took me till 4 pm to get back, and now I´m on the hostel computers trying to work out my chances of getting to Andorra. I hope everything settles down once I get back on track. I feel like I´ve spent more time on trains and working things out than actually, you know, travelling. That should settle down once I get to Paris and will start spending more than 1 day per city.

The trip home was fully worth it, though.


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