Live The Dream

Six months. One backpack. Bring it on.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Why you don't want to be seen with me in public

Due to aforementioned shoe failure, I've taken to wearing my socks with my sandals. I always used to mock those people mercilessly - either it's cold and you wear shoes or it's warm and you wear sandals. Choose one! I've discovered a third - maybe you have broken shoes and it's too cold for sandals.

I bought a new camera. Because my old S2 IS model has since been replaced by the s3, it was impossible to find. Therefore, I was forced to upgrade to the S3. Sigh, life's rough. Seriously, it's an awesome camera and my only issue now is not enough memory card space. Or not enough memory cards

The boat from Sweden to Finland is a blast. It's a gigantic cruise ship with a disco, a kareoke bar, a sauna, a huge buffet, a few restaurants, a few duty free shops, a casino.. etc etc. I watched the sun not go down (again) out the windows of a bar. I also ate at one of the best buffets of my life (dinner) and then felt ripped off by the breakfast.

Finland was short but sweet. The highlight for me was likely the Olympic stadium, since I love that kind of stuff. That and mama's noodles. I found cheap, kickass ramen type noodles, and proceeded to have a feast. And then when I couldn't find boiling water I just smushed the package up and dumped the powder on top. Did anyone else ever do that? It was the cool way to eat Mr Noodle back in elementary school...

And now I'm in Estonia. I've just arrived in my hostel (which has a mini putt hole upstairs) and there are about 100 people gathered in one of the bedrooms watching the England v Portugal game.

Welcome to the Baltics...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point I´d like to point out that it actually wasn´t too cold for sandals. It was over 20 degrees warm. Admit it you just like having socks in your sandals!

Wed Jul 05, 06:09:00 AM  
Blogger Dana G said...

Oh shuddup. My feet get cold easily, and I would have been wearing shoes if I'd had them!

Sun Jul 09, 05:01:00 AM  

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