How I know I'm ready to come home
- Every time I see a McDonalds I think "hey, free washrooms!" (pay washrooms are the devil)
- I can list every item of clothing I own (ready? Black fleece, blue hoodie, blue sweater, raincoat in a bag, jean capris, beige capris, greenish long pants, white, red, blue, purple, 2 black tanktops, blue and white tshirts, 6 pairs of undies, 2 pairs of blue socks, walking sandals, flip flops, smooshy trainers, sports bra, plain bra, fancy bra, PJ pants and top, bathing suit).
- People walking around with gigantic guns seems perfectly normal to me. In fact, just about everything seems perfectly normal to me
- If I see one more church, mosque, synagogue, or other holy place, I may go insane
- I'm starting to think that Crocs (those hideous shoes) would be a good thing to own. I've even tried a pair or two on.
- My camera (the second) is in the process of being checked into rehab for "exhaustion"
-The following things excite me way more than they should - laundry machines, English books (preferably used or exchanged), people who speak English
- I am starting to think in Hebrew
- When I speak, I've taken to using hand gestures, extremely basic words, and speaking extremely slowly. Yeah, even if the person I'm speaking with is an Anglophone
- I'd love a big old Poutine and a game of pickup ice hockey right now. No idea how I'd manage those at the same time, but trust me I'd find a way.
-Shakira is starting to feel like an old friend
-...which is because I have no idea what songs have been released in the past 6 months. Seriously, all they play here is Shakira... ("Shakira, Shakira)
- I am covered in Mozzie bites, the bottoms of my feet are once again peeling off, and I have scabs. Everywhere. I have no idea why, but my skin seems to be fleeing my body.
- Socks and sandals seems to have become an acceptable outfit (layers!)
- The thought of losing my compass/rape whistle/thermometer (broken so it's always 28 degrees outside/magnifying glass makes me want to cry
- I have trouble naming, in order, all the places I've seen
- I often forget which country I'm in
- My boyfriend is threatening to become my ex boyfriend
- Washing a shirt once every 3 wears is starting to seem normal
- My backpack is breaking, and has recently acquired a skin disease of it's own
- Spending Halloween in shorts feels disturbingly normal. Much more of this and I'm afraid I'll never be able to reajust to that weird white stuff y'all have in Canada
-I have no idea what most my people in Canada is actually up to at the moment. Where do you live? Where do you work? Oh, you're back at school? Yeah...
-I'm pretty sure everyone has forgotten what I look like.
- I want to cook for myself, in my own kitchen!
- I am so sick of answering the following questions - where I'm from, how long I've been traveling, when I'm going home, where I've been...
- Everything I own smells like backpacker.
- Spending time with a friend I've known for more than 3 days would be unbelievably cool.
- A day spent in front of a TV, reading, at a coffee shop, doing nothing wouldn't be cause for guilt anymore!
- I should start training for that marathon I plan to run (one day).
- Winter is coming to Europe, and I don't have enough money to escape to somewhere in the southern hemisphere (summer again?)
-In fact, I don't have any money at all
Glad it's not just me. It feels like she's stalking me or something. And I'll never ever get that song out of my head....
Why can't the obsess over something good at least?
Congrats on art school!
Just so you know, there is a new amazing hip album awaiting your return.
Edmonton could be doing better, but it's early in the season (yes, you saw the cup final overseas and now you're missing the beginning of the season due to being overseas).
in hamilton, going to school...and loving it
i dont believe in role models but dana you have definately changed that for me!
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