Live The Dream

Six months. One backpack. Bring it on.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I know there's a genuine history to Oktoberfest. But really... people crack out the beer when they want to party. Beer IS a party. Oktoberfest is really a party to celebrate...the party? The concept cracks me up. Most other festivals have beer as the background noise. You know. music festival...and beer.

-Burning the whole roof of my mouth off on a bratwurst...and not noticing till the next morning.
-A drunk Aussie explaining to the lady selling sandwitches why it's overpriced because at home it would cost 50 cents. "3 Euros? For that? Are you kidding? No, really. That's bullshit." She was just nodding politely.
- Muddling all the words to the German toasts songs until half them were about girls not wearing underwear
- Indecision costing me a pair of Birkenstocks
- The delicious little sandwitches (not the 3 Euro ones) they sold on the grounds. I think there was crack in them. I lived on them.
- The fairground rides
- The blokes who cook fish over the fire and then sell them to... well, who whoever wants them, I guess. It made for some good pictures, anyway!
- The super weird guy in my hostel room the first night. According to him there are too many sinners in Quebec.
- My favourite llama showing up... resulting in many drunk emails, texts and MSN chats. Sorry.

Ah, Oktoberfest 2006. I hardly knew ye. And that's probably for the best.


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